Banana Brown
MG novel
This nine-year-old Afro-American girl from South Carolina, aka Dina, has a thing about her name. But that's the small part. Much bigger to bear is losing her parents and becoming a foster child. A very angry one who makes life so difficult in the homes she's placed, each of the foster parents return her. A new social worker comes to her rescue, bringing new homes, new troubles, but eventually finds a loving home that works. Dina confides in the stars, makes a new friend, and finds the courage to ward off some school enemies. When losses continue, her desperation renews, and she makes a decision that could thwart her safety, and in the end, will have to give an answer to what will change her life.
["Where is home?" were the last words in my head before I dozed off to sleep.]
["I wish for the best parents, a great mom or dad or both. And, no more troubles, please."]
[What if he was sick and had to go to the hospital? What if they didn't want me anymore? I held my doll close to me and opened my curtains to watch the moon. I dreamt of moon beams and star-filled skies. I dreamt of my daisy plant growin' taller and taller. I dreamt of a new set of clothes for my doll. I dreamt I was in my dad's arms and fell fast asleep.]
["Are you a sissy or something?"
"I ain't no sissy, but I ain't no robber, either."
"Aren't you all uppity."
"I am who I am, that's all. I'm Dina."
"Dina, Miss Uppity."
"You better be leavin' now. Linin' up for recess is startin'."
"You better be leaving now, Miss Uppity. The boogeyman might get you."]